The 10 Worst Things You're Doing With Your Smartphone

The 10 Worst Things You're Doing With Your Smartphone

Skipping Security Software

Antivirus software is not a perfect defense, but it offers basic protection. Although antivirus programs are available for smartphones, security analysts say most users don't use them.
Even with antivirus software installed, anyone who steals your phone still has access to your data—no hacking required. Someone in the United States loses a phone every 3.5 seconds, according to Lookout Mobile Security, so make sure your smartphone has anti theft software, such as Prey, that can erase data remotely if a thief steals your phone, and tracking software such as Find My iPhone to track it down.

Ignoring Software Updates

Your smartphone's operating system and apps need occasional updates to patch weaknesses in security or address new threats. Usually, device manufacturers, service providers, and operating system or app developers deliver those updates remotely. Yes, sometimes there's a reason to stall before updating, like when iPhone users waited for Apple to fix its Maps app before upgrading to iOS 6. But in general, accept updates for your phone's operating system and security software as soon as you're notified, or, if you use an Android device, set it to accept updates automatically. The developers released them for a reason.

Skipping Passwords or PIN s

It may be annoying to re-enter your phone's password every time you wake it from sleep, but having a password is one of the easiest ways to keep your phone to yourself. When your phone is idle, it should lock and require a password, a personal identification number (PIN), or a swipe pattern to regain access. You can set the lock to kick in only after a given amount of time—two minutes, say—but make sure it's relatively short. Villains can crack even the strongest password eventually, but a good one can buy time for antitheft software to wipe your data and maybe even locate your phone.

Jail breaking or Rooting

We're not saying to never jailbreak your phone. We're just saying be absolutely sure you know what you're doing first.
Smartphones come from the factory with restrictions on which apps can be installed and how much access users have to crucial levels of the smartphone's operating system. Jail breaking your iPhone or rooting your Android device removes those restrictions. That's certainly tempting, since you'll no longer be restricted to a single mobile network, and you'll gain access to some hidden system settings. But manufacturers' restrictions also prevent your smartphone from downloading some kinds of malware and limit the access that malware has to your phone's operating system. Once those safeguards are gone, it's much easier for malware to find your phone and your information.

Answering Texts From Strangers

When you get a text from a number you don't recognize, your first instinct may be to reply and ask the sender who he is. This seems harmless, but responding to spam texts might let hackers on the other end know they've found a valid mobile number—and a valid target.

Using Public Wi-Fi Networks

Most smartphone users keep Wi-Fi turned on because using Wi-Fi networks is cheaper than using mobile data, especially with unlimited data plans fading away. But all the information you send and receive over a public Wi-Fi connection is visible to anyone on the network who knows how to look. The connection also gives hackers an easy route into your device. Make sure any Wi-Fi network you use is password-protected and familiar to you. Otherwise, stick with your mobile data network. It may be cheaper in the long run.

Downloading Malicious Apps

Cyber security company Trend Micro predicted last year that the Android ecosystem alone will see 1 million malicious or dangerous apps in 2013. Most of them look innocent, with some even masquerading as legitimate and popular apps To steer clear of fakes, download apps from recognized, trusted sources only. Official app stores like Android's Google Play and Apple's App Store are the safest options. Research each app yourself, and before you download, make sure you understand which information and settings the app can access. You can also install antivirus software on Android phones to keep an eye out for covert hacking going on in the background (Apple says their phones are impermeable to malware and therefore don't need antivirus utilities).

Clicking on Dangerous Links

Users are three times more likely to fall for phishing scams on smartphones than on computers, according to security firm RSA. That's in part because phony login pages are harder to spot on simple mobile websites, and shortened URLs make it hard to tell whether an address is legitimate. Never click on a link in a text message, even one from a friend. If you receive an email asking you to click a link and log in to your account, never do it from your phone.

Infecting Your Computer Via Your Phone

If you connect to your home or office network with an infected smartphone, the malware can spread to every computer, tablet, and smartphone on the network. Maintaining antivirus software and good security habits on your smartphone can help avoid infection, or detect it in time to keep the device off your network until it is clean. As a crucial second line of defense, make sure your other devices are also running up-to-date security software.

Assuming You Won't Be Attacked

All the preventative steps listed here are relatively simple. The challenge is finding the time to make yourself sit down and protect your phone and data. Even tech writers and professionals get hacked after not taking the time to follow their own advice. Don't be like them, because information security professionals talk about hacking in terms of "when," not "if."


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